Sunday, April 26, 2020

Hundertwasser Line drawing Student Examples

Line Drawing Exercise

Because of the circumstances of being at home, we decided to go back to the drawing unit and create a line drawing. We were given any drawings created by Hunterwasser, an artist, and print a drawing that we liked. We then had to cut out a portion of the drawing that we felt most inspired by to continue the drawing, but with our own twist to it. Similar to the Zentangle Drawing, I used many pencil and pen techniques to create lines with different depths and thicknesses.

Original Drawing:

This is the drawing by Hunterwasser that I felt the most inspired by. I decided to cut out the square that is framed at the top of the drawing because I instantly came up with multiple ideas on how I could continue the lines and shapes to create my own drawing.

Day 1
As you can see, I decided to place the cut out at the bottom right corner. I began to draw with a pencil that I wanted my drawing to look like. I really wanted to continue the lines and the swirls that are seen in the original drawing in my own drawing. At this point, I was not sure what I wanted the center of attention to be, but I was gravitating for it to be the bottom portion of the drawing. I began to fill in the lines with a black marker to continue the lines. For more variation, I will need to add a more grayscale with a pencil and shading.

Day 2
You can see that now my drawing has more contrast between the black and the white. And I have also added a more grayscale with a pencil in some parts of the drawing. I really like how I was able to use black, gray, and white to create a design which you can see in the center bottom part of the drawing. I think the drawing looks very cohesive except for the bottom left corner. I wanted to add a very creative element to my drawing like Hunterwasser does in his own drawings, which is something that my feedback said.

Day 3
I decided to continue the same thing I was doing on Day 2 to have a very cohesive drawing. I continued to add more black and gray elements to create a nice contrast. So far, I really like how it is turning out and I think I am almost done! My next step is to add a color element to the drawing, but I don't want the color to overpower the rest of the drawing.

Day 4
The feedback for this day was very helpful. Mr.Laurence told me that one of the line designs in the middle of my drawing needed to have more resolution, because it was being lost by the rest of the designs. Before, I had just traced it with a thin black pen but then I went over it with a black marker which not only made the lines thicker, but it also brought out that design in the middle. On this day, I also added a pop of color using a blue color pencil to some areas of the drawing.

After adding the blue, I realized that it was missing another color so I looked at the color wheel and noticed that orange and blue are complimentary colors. So for the second color, I used orange to fill in some shapes to give the blue a nice contrast. Overall, I am very happy with my final line drawing exercise! A challenge that I encountered was figuring out which areas I should fill in with black and marker and which areas to leave white. I wanted to make sure the eye could rest by leaving enough negative space. In the end, I think I was able to balance out the negative and positive space nicely. A success that I had was knowing what design of lines I wanted to do and just went with it. When I first saw the original drawing, I knew exactly how I wanted to carry out the rest of the project. It really turned how I wanted it too from the beginning!

Student Example #2

Line Drawing Exercise

This is my Hundertwasser line drawing exercise.

First, we chose a piece of artwork from the artist Hundertwasser. This is the one I chose:

After printing out our artwork of choice, we then cut out a piece of the artwork and glued it onto a plain piece of paper. Our task was to build off of this cutout piece by using similar shapes and designs. This is my progress over the course of this assignment.
Day 1

I tried experimenting with the different shapes in the cutout like the rectangles and circles. I haven’t really planned out the designs, so I don’t know what other shapes to include. I also think I need to branch out the design because right now it’s all clumped in the middle around the cutout.
Day 2

I tried mapping out how I would expand the design. I don’t really know what I’m doing. I also added more to the central design. I still don’t know how to expand the design to the other parts of the page. I think I should add more shades of black to make it more interesting.
During class, we gave and received feedback. This is some feedback that I received:
- I agree I think that adding darker shades could draw the eye to those places giving it a bigger range of colors.
- I really like what you're doing with the shapes on the left, they look like a mini-puzzle
Day 3

I continued with the puzzle design on the left and filled them in as well to make them more interesting. To add more shades, I filled in some of the circles with varying shades using pencil. I mapped out a section I wanted to fill in, but I still need to plan out which shapes to put in. I'm also still struggling with how to fill in the upper area of the paper.
Final Product

This is my final line drawing. As you can see, I decided not to fill in the part I was originally going to fill in in the middle, and left it empty because it would be too clustered and busy next to the puzzle piece design on the left. Since I wanted to fill in the rest of the paper but not making it too clustered as well, I drew in different shapes and built on previous designs then left in blocks of empty spaces. First, I blocked off an area and filled it with geometric triangle shapes. Triangles weren't a shape that was in the original cutout so I was worried about how it would fit in with the rest of the piece, but I think it matched the "geometric" feel of the cutout. For the upper part, I built off of the rectangular column designs, but just made the rectangles bigger and taller, and extended it all the way off the page. To fill in the rest of the space, I drew in sectioned off areas of empty space. I drew a couple of lines inside as well so it wouldn't be as empty. I thought that the empty blocks of space fitting together with the parts with designs and shapes also made the drawing feel like a puzzle. To finish, I added a few elements of color using blue. I outlined some of the lines in each of the empty blocks, some of the rectangular columns, and some of the triangles. I tried not to overdo the color so I would add an accent of color, but not one too strong. 

One success that I had was being able to use combinations of different shapes and designs throughout the piece. I was able to use and blend together shapes like rectangles, triangles, circles, and more abstract shapes as well as apply lines in different ways. I ended up really liking the puzzle/geometric theme that I ended up going with.
One challenge I had was actually coming up with the shapes and designs themselves. I found that it was really hard to build off from the designs that I drew in Day 1. Since at that stage the designs were all around the center, I was really unsure about how to spread and branch it out. Then, I decided to just simply fill them in with different designs than try to build off from the central designs. 

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