Thursday, April 16, 2020

Line drawing exercise

Day 1

I placed the cutout design just off the center of the page and created three types of patterns of triangles, wavy lines, and circles. I want to leave blank areas in the upper right and left sides of the work.

Day 2

I like the areas of black in the design to keep the eye moving. I would also like to make the round image areas to pop out more as a major feature to this design. I would be sure to keep the areas to the left of the large circle blank to bring the eye to that area.

Feedback given:

I really like how the dark areas of black are repeated at the top as it draws my attention to that section. I would say to maybe add more smaller circles to the wavy lines at the bottom left of the design or even more of the triangle shapes that you have on the bottom. Mr. Laurence

Day 3
This is my current state of the work. I have added further designs to the right of the picture. I added thick black lines next to the empty white spaces at the top, and will be sure to add more empty spaces to the remaining areas as it seems to start to look too busy for my taste.

This is the finished design. I find that the amount of empty space and filled space with pencil and pen is at a good balance. I think I would like to add ore black to the edges of the cutout to make it more seamless in the future.

This is the finished design with a triad color scheme of red, yellow, and blue. I wanted to add a little bit of each of the three colors throughout the work to keep the eye moving, but not too much color to detract from the design. I think if I had a chance to do it over again, I would use only one or two colors.

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